currently we have metrics in Market Assesment for Chronic Conditions & Trella Diagnostic Categories. However, customers are asking if we can include metrics that are more general - example: Cancer, Heart, Cognitive (to include Alzheimer's Park...
Ability to create service area regions in Market Assessment
Instead of identifying market share and agency comparisons by state and county - when we assess a market we look at service area regions. I need to have the ability to flexibly create different market areas to assess.
Add ACO relationships to SNF and Hospitals Facility Info
It would be helpful to know if SNFs and Hospitals are participating in ACO/DCEs - a similar profile to that including on the physicians practice details page.
Laura Green
over 2 years ago
in Data Metric
On Roadmap
Provide diagnostic group breakdown in patient pathways
UMM looking for additional insight into patient pathways by diagnosis - within each circle what is diagnostic breakdown of patients by line of discharge?
Would be nice to have ownership info available on the Analyze tab, like in the Insights product.
Would be useful to get an idea of ownership throughout the market of an identified network without having to go back and forth between strategy and insights.
Please add a percentage column to the MA table to show what percentage of a provider's population is served by the named payor. Using Physician Analyze example, the percentage column would be next to patient count for each contract Customer needs ...
Kate Work
over 2 years ago
in Data Metric
On Roadmap